A Useful Guide to Halotherapy

October 8, 2021

Also known as salt therapy, halotherapy involves sitting in salt caves and inhaling tiny salt particles. It is a non-invasive, natural treatment for individuals with respiratory issues, such as asthma and bronchitis. Learn more about the holistic therapy option here to determine if it’s right for you. 

4 FAQ About Halotherapy 

What type of salt caves are there?

Salt rooms come in two forms: active and passive. Active caverns feature halogenerator machines that crush and grind sodium chloride into micro-sized particles and disperse the salt aerosol into the air. Passive caves are man-made environments that are filled with large amounts of varying types of salt such as Dead Sea, Himalayan, Rock Salt, Mediterranean, Caribbean, etc. and come with controlled atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. 

Passive rooms are not halotherapy options because they do not include halogenerator machines. And since the salt concentration in passive options is lower than active caves, the former is used for relaxation instead of respiratory health improvement. 

What are the benefits?

When you inhale salt-infused air, the particles enter your lungs and disperse negative ions that are believed to cause biochemical reactions, including increased serotonin levels for a happier mindset. Negative ions also stimulate the lining in your lungs to eliminate mucus. There is evidence that halotherapy relieves symptoms related to COPDchronic bronchitis, and bronchial asthma.

Exposure to salt air also benefits the skin, as the natural product features sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium that contribute to radiant complexions. Skin without access to these minerals appears blotchy, dull, and dry. 

What should I expect when I’m in the salt cave?

Simply sit down and relax in the salt cave as you breathe in the fine particles. The atmosphere is temperate, and the lights are dim to help you relax. Wear loose clothing for comfort purposes--the particles will land on your clothes but are easily brushed away. 

Since the particles break up lung mucus, bring tissues with you just in case your nose is runny. Sessions typically last 20 to 45 minutes; smaller caves feature more concentrated salt particles and do not require lengthy sessions. 

When is the wrong time to make a halotherapy spa appointment? 

While salt therapy is a safe treatment, do not schedule it if you have a serious lung condition or illness, such as lung cancer or respiratory failure, since you could develop a cough. Also, avoid halotherapy caves if you have open wounds, as salt can irritate them further. You should also wait to book your appointment if you have a contagious illness to avoid spreading germs to employees and other patients.

If halotherapy sessions are right for you, make an appointment with Halo Salt Cave & Spa, the wellness center serving Kingston, TN, and the surrounding areas. Enjoy working with certified professionals committed to helping you enjoy better health, including MELT® instructors. Call (865) 224-6300 today to schedule your appointment or learn more about holistic services online

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Light Therapy has been reported, as part of a healthy lifestyle, to temporarily reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing and greatly reduce overall recovery after medical/surgical procedures. Patients have demonstrated increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension and spasm, and improved circulation. Rejuvenation LED light therapy can be used for temporary pain management such as joint and back pain, sore or torn muscles, sprains, arthritis, post-surgical scars, burns, wounds and more. When used with infrared technology, light therapy (phototherapy) is one of the most effective and noninvasive ways to improve overall wellness. Light therapy is also used to temporarily relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD affects individuals when the lack of sunlight results in seasonal depression. Phototherapy helps with SAD by resetting the internal biological clock (Circadian rhythms), helping individuals sleep better and regulate their mood. Even companies, such as GE and Philips, have created phototherapeutic products to improve and regulate mood. Cosmetic Benefits Light therapy is also a growing treatment for anti-aging. Many individuals have seen a temporary reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet, and age spots. Light therapy is "effective at improving the appearance of the face, neck and chest by reducing the signs of aging, wrinkles and age spots", says Web M.D. Combined with infrared therapy, LED phototherapy can be a great way to revitalize skin. Healing With Color Color is light split into different wavelengths vibrating at different speeds and at different frequencies. Objects that ABSORB all wavelengths and DO NOT reflect are black in nature. Objects that REFLECT all wavelengths and DO reflect are white in nature. Between black and white lies COLOR. Colors are wavelengths of energy that, to us, appear as color because of the potential and capabilities of the object to either absorb or reflect the energy. Red is called "The Great Energizer." Yellow helps awaken mental inspiration, arousing higher mentality. Green is the universal healing color. Green is midway in the color spectrum: therefore, it contains both physical nature and a spiritual nature, in equal balance and in equal harmony. Blue on the other hand, is at the opposite end of the visible spectrum. Blue can be used for any type of ailments associated with speech, communication, or the throat. Orange has a freeing action upon the mind, relieving repression. Because orange is a blend of red and yellow, it combines physical energy with mental wisdom, inducing a transformation between lower physical reaction and higher mental response. Violet is the last color we can see before light passes on to ultra-violet. Violet purifies our thoughts and feelings, giving us inspiration in all undertakings. The violet energy connects us to our spiritual self, bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength, and enhances artistic talent and creativity. Leonardo da Vinci proclaimed that you can increase the power of meditation ten fold by meditating under the gentle rays of violet, as found in church windows. Light therapy uses colors for their proposed wellness abilities in treating emotional and physical disturbances. Light therapy is based on the premise that different colors evoke different responses in people. For example, some colors are considered to be stimulating, whereas others may be soothing. Color therapy has been suggested for many uses, based on tradition or on scientific theories. Consult with a health care provider before using color therapy for any use.
Color light Therapy
November 18, 2021
Color Light therapy, also known as Chromotherapy, is a technique of restoring balance by means of applying color to the body. Its history is rooted as far back as the Mayan culture. In India, Ayurveda, an ancient form of medicine practiced for thousands of years, is based on the idea that every individual contains five elements of the universe which are present in specific proportions unique to each individual, including their personality type and constitution. When these elements are out of balance, Ayurveda works with the energies inherent in the colors of the spectrum to restore this balance. In ancient Egypt, the art of healing with color was founded in the Hermetic tradition. The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used colored minerals, stones, crystals, salves, and dyes as remedies, and painted treatment sanctuaries in various shades of color. In China, traditional Chinese medicine incorporates color to be associated with each organ and elemental system. This healing method looks at the idea that every individual is a balance. The first color wheel was invented by Sir Isaac Newton. He split white sunlight into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, and blue. He then joined the two ends of the color spectrum together to show the natural progression of colors. Light Therapy has been valued throughout history as a remarkable source of healing. Today, the therapeutic applications of light and color are being investigated in major hospitals and research centers worldwide. Results indicate that full-spectrum, ultraviolet, colored, and laser light can have therapeutic value for a range of conditions from chronic pain and depression to immune disorders. Color therapy has been suggested for many uses, based on tradition or on scientific theories. Consult with a health care provider before using color therapy for any use.
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Based in the heart of East Tennessee, John and Teresa Davis started their holistic journey in the summer of 2008, with a goal to help others in their personal health journeys. Teresa became a licensed fitness instructor in December of 2011. Since then, she has enjoyed teaching hundreds of exercise classes. In 2017, she became a certified Melt Method instructor and a health and life coach in January 2020. Teresa is also a health advocate with Doterra Essential Oils . It has been their dream to own a Health Spa offering alternative health remedies. They are looking forward to serving you. Halo Salt Cave & Spa is currently taking appointments for a wide variety of relaxation services, including Halo Salt Therapy Booth, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Infrared Therapy, and Red Light Therapy. The Salt Cave is coming soon. Book your appointments today to improve your health and wellness.
Salt caves
April 19, 2020
Whether you have chronic health issues or seek something for holistic health purposes, it's worth trying halotherapy . Also known as "salt therapy," this is an alternative health option that involves breathing in air that has small particles of salt in it. This can be done in a "salt cave," which is a large room, or a small booth. Both are outfitted with salt panels and a small device that carefully breaks down the salt so that it can be circulated in the air. If you're unfamiliar with it, here's what you need to know.
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